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Monday, May 20, 2013
Good. Stable. Fast. Good Battery Life. ROM for Galaxy Note
New good custom ROM for your GT-N7000. Stable and fast enough.
Custom ROM Features:
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- Run SEEDER APK for better performance
- DISABLE Samsung related services
Custom ROM Features:
- Philiz kernel Kernel 4.88.2 XXLSZ_OXA
- Modem XXLSO
- Many apps updated to latest version(dropbox,chaton,youtube,maps,Samsung apps)
- Removed some apps (googleplaymusic,google +,crayon_physics,livewallpapers,
- Moved most app to data so they can easily updated
- S4 Semi-transparent AccuweatherWidget (thanks to vitalyi600)
- Recent Apps on notification Panel (thanks to kmokhtar79)
- Native Call Recording based on XXLSZ
- 4 way reboot
- Ink Effect (thx to mythtrandyr for his App 'Ink Color Changer' to do all the settings inside with every colour in the world )
- LockSreen Shortcuts
- No ascending ringtone
- Airview Fix also in Gallery
- Unlimited apps for Multiwindow
- SMS hacks: 200 contact recipients and MMS auto converting is increased to 200 SMS
- Permanent disabling of SMS, MMS & Email log history to be logged in call logs
- Airview in Gallery now multilang
- Added tweaks for speed, scrolling, performance
- Hacked SamsungCamera.apk (shutter on/off option is enabled, and removed battery restrictions)
- Pimp Up My Rom App tweaks
- Removed the screenshot in power menu
- Back to philiz kernel because of lock screen wakeup bug on c.o.h
- Non transparent status bar because people complaining about it
- Replaced google talk with hangout
Continue reading here
Monday, May 13, 2013
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Monday, May 06, 2013
How to remove Settings Add-On on XXLSZ
Are you annoying with additional menu on your settings? Normally added by the developer. This is for XXLSZ only!
What should I do?
1. Go to system\app folder and delete related applications, such as:
- fastdormancytoggle.apk
- Cpuspy.apk
- org.adaway-1.apk
1. Use Root Explorer and mount r/w to the system/app folder
2. Look inside your add-on. What apps installed into the system. Remove it.
Then download this original SecSettings.apk and push it to preload\symlink\system\app folder.
Fix permissions to rw-r--r-- (644) then reboot the phone..
Reboot. Good Luck!
1. Backup your current SecSettings.apk before replace.